title adiabatically expanding cloud c c commands controlling continuum ========= c 3 keV blackbody 1.0e5 K ionization parameter -10 time coronal 1.0e5 K init time c c commands for density & abundances ========= hden 1 linear c thermal timescale is 9e10, this is much shorter so will c approximate an adiabatic epansion constant pressure time scale=1e8 power=-1 c c commands controlling geometry ========= set dr 0 set nend 1 stop zone 1 c c other commands for details ========= c the time dependent calculations will start on iteration 3 c first two are to relax the calculation set dynamics relax 2 c number of time steps, should stop due to end of time, not this iterate 60 c thermal timescale is 9e10 s so want this much sorter time first timestep 7.0 end 10 time 8 scale 0 time 9 scale=0 recombination time 20 scale=0 end of times cosmic rays background c c commands controlling output ========= print line faint 2 log print line cumulative print ages save time dependent "time_adiabatic.tim" no hash save overview "time_adiabatic.ovr" no hash save cooling "time_adiabatic.col" no hash save heating "time_adiabatic.het" no hash save continuum units Angstroms "time_adiabatic.con" save cumulative continuum units Angstroms last "time_adiabatic.concum" c c commands giving the asserts ========= c c time_adiabatic.in c class dynamics c ======================================== c test time dependent adiabatic expansion Cooling time is 9e10 s, this test occurs over 1e10 s so should be nearly adiabatic