5a) Files z001 to z288  ("u2" directory) 
These files constitute the main data of the catalog.  All items are 
(signed) integer. "I*1" means the data for these items are contained 
in 1 byte, "I*2" means 2 bytes, etc.  The order of bytes is for an 
Intel processor.  Each record contains the data for one star, totaling 
23 items.  The record length is 44 bytes, with no additional "end of 
line" or unformatted leading or trailing bytes.  In Fortran this is 
known as a direct access, fixed record length, unformatted file.
(Note, some compilers specify the record length as multiple of
4-byte segments, thus RECL=11 is required in that case,instead 
of RECL=44 which applies to other compilers.  RECL=44 is used in the 
utility software provided on these CDs.)

The following items are on each star record:

Num Bytes  Fmt Unit       Label   Explanation
 1   1- 4  I*4 mas        RA      Right Ascension at epoch J2000.0 (ICRS) (2)
 2   5- 8  I*4 mas        DE      Declination at epoch J2000.0 (ICRS)     (2)
 3   9-10  I*2 0.01 mag   U2Rmag  Internal UCAC magnitude (red bandpass)  (3)
 4  11     I*1 mas        e_RAm   s.e. at central epoch in RA (*cos DEm)(1,4)
 5  12     I*1 mas        e_DEm   s.e. at central epoch in Dec          (1,4)
 6  13     I*1            nobs    Number of UCAC observations of this star(5)
 7  14     I*1            e_pos   Error of original UCAC observ. (mas)  (1,6)
 8  15     I*1            ncat    # of catalog positions used for pmRA, pmDC
 9  16     I*1            cflg    ID of major catalogs used in pmRA, pmDE (7)
10  17-18  I*2 0.001 yr   EpRAm   Central epoch for mean RA, minus 1975   (8)
11  19-20  I*2 0.001 yr   EpDEm   Central epoch for mean DE, minus 1975   (8)
12  21-24  I*4 0.1 mas/yr pmRA    Proper motion in RA (no cos DE)         (9)
13  25-28  I*4 0.1 mas/yr pmDE    Proper motion in DE                     (9)
14  29     I*1 0.1 mas/yr e_pmRA  s.e. of pmRA (*cos DEm)                 (1)
15  30     I*1 0.1 mas/yr e_pmDE  s.e. of pmDE                            (1)
16  31     I*1 0.05       q_pmRA  Goodness of fit for pmRA             (1,11)
17  32     I*1 0.05       q_pmDE  Goodness of fit for pmDE             (1,11)
18  33-36  I*4            2m_id   2MASS pts_key star identifier          (12)
19  37-38  I*2 0.001 mag  2m_J    2MASS J  magnitude                     (13)
20  39-40  I*2 0.001 mag  2m_H    2MASS H  magnitude                     (13)
21  41-42  I*2 0.001 mag  2m_Ks   2MASS K_s magnitude                    (13)
22  43     I*1            2m_ph   2MASS modified ph_qual flag          (1,14)
23  44     I*1            2m_cc   2MASS modified cc_flg                (1,15)

As an example, the data of the first 5 stars from z001 are
printed here in ASCII.  These are the numbers obtained when
using the  u2dumpz.f  program.

   item  1          2    3   4   5  6  7  8  9    10    11      12
   1246420 -322767602 1591  75  87  2 97  2  1 17330 15213   31020
   4125230 -323707012 1382  15  28  8 21  2  1 23246 22659  134316
   7345118 -322447512 1579  24  26  4 25  2  1 22903 22799   45845
   8139385 -322284308 1479  53  25  5 41  2  1 20455 22911   18125
  11128880 -323115466 1631  15  43  2 27  2  1 23364 21562   39404

 item 13  14  15  16  17         18    19    20    21  22  23
     -35  70  74  20  20 1229086517 14428 13865 13751 000 000
    -187  61  62  20  20 1101364107 12467 12131 11963 000 000
     104  61  62  20  20 1329022468 14169 13752 13708 220 000
     -16  65  61  20  20 1085341332 13111 12511 12339 000 000
     -74  61  63  20  20 1085341834 14515 13918 13877 000 000

Note (1): In order to fit within the range of a 1 byte (signed) 
    integer (-127 to +127), some items have an offset value of -127 
    applied.  These are items #4,5 (e_RAm, e_DEm), #7 (e_pos),
    #14-17 (e_pmRA, e_pmDE, q_pmRA, q_pmDE), and #22,23 (2m_ph, 2m_cc).
    When using the provided software, the data items are converted to
    I*4 and automatically corrected for this offset on the required items.