Conversion from Fortran to C using Cobalt Blue Tools moved c:\u\cblue dir to c:\u\cbluebak so that chkdsk will run =========================================================== fstruct converts F66/77 to F90, with enddo, break, etc fstruct filename filename.for ==> filename.f fstruct filename.for (writes filename.f) (filename.f writes filename.fs) initialization file is fstruct.cfg in cblue dir =========================================================== forc converts F77 to ansi c configuration file is forc.cfg in cblue subdir doc is fctutor.doc in cblue subdir first make prototypes: -PRO - make prototypes -PRO=f (best) make prototypes based on functions themselves, then necessary to call several times to get prototypes right -PF=name.h specify different prototype name, default is project.h