1 & SDSS calibration star: candidate F stars selected on the basis of SDSS photometry that are used to flux calibrate the spectra. 2 & Brown dwarf candidate: these targets were supplied by M. Ashby as an experiment, and were all found to be star forming galaxies. 4 & Optical QSO candidate: BW/R/I/K-band color-selected quasar candidates from an experiment by K. Brand and R. Green (2005, private communication). 8 & WSRT radio source: all sources (qso=1 or galaxy=1, or agngalaxy = 1) within 3.0'' of a 5σ detection in the WSRT 1.4GHz survey of the field (de Vries et al. 2002, Cat. J/AJ/123/1784). 16 & X-ray QSO candidate: all sources (qso=1 or galaxy=1, or agngalaxy = 1) with 2 or more X-ray counts and >25% Bayesian probability of being identified with the optical source. 32 & MIPS QSO candidate: all point sources with F24≥0.3mJy and I(3.0'')>18-2.5log(F24/mJy). 64 & IRAC QSO candidate: sample heavily modified from 2005. The new selection criterion were sufficiently complex that we introduced a separate code (iracq06) to label the various criteria. See section 2.7. 128 & MIPS 24µm galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with F24≥0.3mJy. 256 & IRAC channel 4 (8µm) galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with [8.0][8.0]≤13.8mag. 512 & IRAC channel 3 (5.8µm) galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with [5.8][5.8]≤15.2mag. 1024 & IRAC channel 2 (4.5µm) galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with [4.5][4.5]≤15.7mag. 2048 & IRAC channel 1 (3.6µm) galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with [3.6][3.6]≤15.7mag. 4096 & GALEX FUV-band galaxy: this sample was rebuilt from the public GALEX catalogs available for the field in 2007, within 0.45deg of the GALEX field center and with at least 2000s of FUV integration time. 8192 & GALEX NUV-band galaxy: this sample was rebuilt from the public GALEX catalogs available for the field in 2007, within 0.45deg of the GALEX field center and with at least 2000s of NUV integration time. 16384 & K-band galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with either NDWFS K/Ks or FLAMEX Ks≤16.5mag. 32768 & J-band galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with FLAMEX J≤18.5mag. 65536 & BW-band galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with BW≤21.3. 131072 & R-band galaxy: this sample consists of galaxies (galaxy=1) with R≤20. 262144 & other I-band galaxy: this sample consists of all galaxies (galaxy=1) with I≤20mag that were not included in the main I-band galaxy sample. These sources were observed at lower priority than the main samples. 524288 & Main I-band galaxy: this sample consists of all galaxies (galaxy=1) with I≤20mag. 1048576 & semi-saturated star: this code replaces the original neative value |