DEEP2 DR1 Data Products

All of the DEEP2 survey data products are generated using the IDL data analysis application and stored as IDL structures. These structures are then packaged as BINARY TABLES within standard FITS files. While the data can be read using any standard FITS reader, we provide documentation for reading the DR1 data with IDL. Much useful IDL code including a plethora of FITS-related routines are contained in the Princeton IDL library within the IDLUTILS package. Instructions for downloading and installing the IDLUTILS code can be found as part of the DEEP2 DEIMOS spec2d pipeline documentation. While not documented on this site, information on how to read BINTABLES outside of IDL can be found at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center software page.

Photometric Catalogs
The DEEP2 data release 1 contains photometric catalogs spanning the entirety of all four DEEP2 survey fields, thus covering all of the DEIMOS slitmasks included in DR1. The photometric data were taken with the CFH12K camera on the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope (Coil et al. 2004). Each DEEP2 field is covered by multiple CFHT/CFH12K pointings with each pointing numbered within its respective field as illustrated on this sky coverage map. Separate photometric catalogs for each CFHT pointing are available for download as BINARY TABLES stored in compressed FITS files with each filename following the form pcat.fp.fits.gz where f specifies the field number and p specifies the pointing number within the field (each compressed FITS file is ~3MB in size):

Field 1 (14 17, +52 30): pcat.11.fits.gz, pcat.12.fits.gz, pcat.13.fits.gz, pcat.14.fits.gz
Field 2 (16 52, +34 55): pcat.21.fits.gz, pcat.22.fits.gz, pcat.23.fits.gz
Field 3 (23 30, +00 00): pcat.31.fits.gz, pcat.32.fits.gz, pcat.33.fits.gz
Field 4 (02 30, +00 00): pcat.41.fits.gz, pcat.42.fits.gz, pcat.43.fits.gz

For information regarding the contents of the photometric catalogs and how to read the FITS files, refer to the photometry reference page.

1-D and 2-D DEIMOS Spectra
The DEEP2 DR1 includes high-resolution DEIMOS spectra for more than 7,500 sources spanning 70 DEIMOS slitmasks. Each slitmask was observed for ~1 hour with some variation depending on seeing, weather conditions, etc. All observations utilize the 1200 lines/mm grating centered at 7800Å and the OG550 order-blocking filter with 1" slitwidths. The raw DEIMOS data were reduced using the DEEP2 DEIMOS spec2d pipeline (version v1.0.4). The 1-d and 2-d spectra for the entire DR1 are available in several tarballs:

        1-d spectra: spec1d.dr1.22.tar.gz, spec1d.dr1.32.tar.gz, spec1d.dr1.42.tar.gz

        2-d spectra: spec2d.dr1.22.00_49.tar, spec2d.dr1.22.50_80.tar,
        spec2d.dr1.32.00_05.tar, spec2d.dr1.32.06_10.tar, spec2d.dr1.32.41_48.tar, spec2d.dr1.32.49_81.tar
        spec2d.dr1.42.00_05.tar, spec2d.dr1.42.06_11.tar, spec2d.dr1.42.12_17.tar,
        spec2d.dr1.42.40_46.tar, spec2d.dr1.42.48_53.tar, spec2d.dr1.42.54_81.tar

Each "spec1d" tarball consists of a directory (e.g. spec1d_22, spec1d_32, etc.) with multiple subdirectories (divided by mask and observation date) and the set of spectra contained within. The 2-d spectra are similarly divided into subdirectories according to mask number and observation date. The 1-d spectra (spec1d) total <2.5GB when unpacked while the 2-d spectra (spec2d) occupy <20GB of disk space. For a more detailed discussion of the 1-d and 2-d spectra, refer to the spectral primer.

Redshift Catalog
The DEEP2 DR1 redshift catalog contains 8,015 entries corresponding to the 1-d and 2-d spectra included in this first data release. Like all of the other data products in DR1, the DEEP2 redshift catalog (or "zcat") is packaged as a BINARY TABLE in a standard FITS file, but is also available as an ASCII TABLE:

        Redshift Catalog (FITS BINTABLE): zcat.dr1.fits.gz

        Redshift Catalog (ASCII TABLE): zcat.dr1.dat

For a discussion of the DEEP2 redshift pipeline and the format of the redshift catalog, refer to the zcat primer. Note that the redshift catalog includes all specotrscopic targets regardless of whether an accurate redshift was measured; only objects with redshift quality (ZQUALITY) greater than or equal to 3 should be treated as having a reliable redshift measurement. Also, be sure to note that while there are 8,015 entries in the redshift catalog, some objects were observed multiple times (to test redshift accuracy, etc.) and the redshift catalog contains 7,769 unique objects. In addition to the full zcat, here we provide a trimmed redshift catalog which removes duplicated objects from the full zcat (keeping entries with higher redshift quality where appropriate):

        Unique Redshift Catalog (FITS BINTABLE): zcat.dr1.uniq.fits.gz

        Unique Redshift Catalog (ASCII TABLE): zcat.dr1.uniq.dat

We emphasize that this is an initial data release for these fields, not a final release. All spectra and redshifts will be rechecked before the completion of the DEEP2 survey. Both slitmask design and data reduction pipelines evolved somewhat during the first DEEP2 observing season. While all data on this site have been reduced with the most recent version of the spec2d pipeline, redshifts were checked using earlier iterations of the code.

created by M. Cooper
last updated 2004nov05