Meaning of the Source Association Fields
(from IRAS
documents ar IPAC)
Catalog |
Field and Meaning |
1 GCVS |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Code gives meaning for Fields 2-3 |
if Field1 = 1 | Field2 and Field3 are B mag [decimag] at max, min |
if Field1 = 2 | Field2 and Field3 are V mag [decimag] at max, min |
if Field1 = 3 | Field2 and Field3 are photographic mag [decimag] at max,min |
if Field1 = 4 | Field2 and Field3 are estimated V mag [decimag] at max,min |
if Field1 = 5 | Field2 is -999 and Field3 is 0 |
2 Dearborn Obs. |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Code for Field2 (1,2) |
Field2 | if Field1 is 1, Field2 is red magnitude [decimag] |
Field3 | if Field1 is 2, Field2 is -999 |
3 Revised AFGL |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Magnitude at 4.2 microns [decimag] |
Field2 | Magnitude at 11 microns [decimag] |
Field3 | Magnitude at 27 microns [decimag] |
4 2-micron Sky Survey |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | K magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | I magnitude [decimag] |
Field3 | 0 |
5 Globules (Wesselius) |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] |
Field3 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] |
6 R C 2 |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Harvard V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | B_T [decimag] |
Field3 | D_o [arcsec] |
7 Stars with em. lines |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
8 Equatorial IR Cat. |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Flux density [10-16 W cm-2 micron] at 2.7 microns |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
9 UGC |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Zwicky magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B |
Field3 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B |
10 MCG |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B |
Field3 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B |
11 Strasbourg Planetary Nebulae |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | V magnitude of Nebula [decimag] |
Field2 | B magnitude of Central Star [decimag] |
Field3 | Minimum diameter of Nebula [arcsec] |
12 Zwicky |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Zwicky magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
13 SAO |
Type | Spectral Type |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | p_g magnitude [decimag] |
Field3 | 0 |
Type | First 3 characters of object type |
Field1 | B magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | Maximum diameter [arcsec] |
Field3 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] |
15 Bright Stars |
Type | Spectral Type |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | B-V [centimag] |
Field3 | U-B [centimag] |
16 Suspected Var. |
Type | Spectral Information |
Field1 | V magnitude at maximum [decimag] |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
17 Carbon Stars |
Type | Spectral Type (may be truncated) |
Field1 | p_g magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field3 | I magnitude [decimag] |
18 Gliese |
Type | Spectral Type (may be truncated) |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | B-V magnitude [millimag] |
Field3 | U-B magnitude [millimag] |
19 S Stars |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | p_g magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field3 | I magnitude [decimag] |
20 Parkes HII Survey |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | Minimum diameter [arcsec] |
Field3 | Maximum diameter [arcsec] |
21 Bonn HII Survey |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Flux density at 4.875 GHz (Jy) |
Field2 | Diameter [arcsec] |
Field3 | 0 |
22 Blitz |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Diameter [arcsec] |
Field2 | V_CO [km/s] |
Field3 | Peak T_A [Kelvin] |
23 OSU |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | Diameter [arcsec] |
24 IRC w/good pos. |
Type | C if 2.2-microns sources are possibly confused, blank otherwise |
Field1 | Right ascension difference (IRC-IRAS ) [deciseconds of time] |
Field2 | Declination difference (IRC-IRAS )[arcsec] |
Field3 | 0 |
25 DDO |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
26 Arp |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
27 Markarian |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
28 Strong 5 GHz |
Type | Object type (GAL or QSO) |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | 5 GHz flux density [deciJy] |
Field3 | 0 |
29 Veron-Cetty Veron |
Type | Object classification |
Field1 | V magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | Redshift x 1000 |
Field3 | 0 |
30 Zwicky 8 Lists |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
31 VV |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Special flag (see below) |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | 0 |
32 IRAS Small-Scale Structure |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Hex-coded bands |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | -999 |
39* OSU Radio |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Frequency |
Field2 | Flux [deciJy] |
Field3 | 0 |
40 Michigan Spectral |
Type | Class** |
Field1 | Mag [decimag] |
Field2 | HD number [low byte] |
Field3 | HD number [high byte] |
41 Serendipitous Survey |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Hex-coded SSC bands |
Field2 | First SSC flux density [mJy]*** |
Field3 | Second SSC flux density |
42 PSC II |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | Hex-coded PSC bands |
Field2 | First PSC flux density [mJy]*** |
Field3 | Second PSC flux density [mJy] |
48 Virgo Cluster Catalog |
Type | Class** |
Field1 | B_T magnitude [decimag] |
Field2 | Heliocentric velocity [km/s] (-999 when not available) |
Field3 | Source size 100 x log D_est(.1 arcsec) |
49 Dressel and Condon |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | -999 |
Field3 | -999 |
50 Asteroids |
Type | Blank |
Field1 | -999 |
Field2 | First four digits of crossing time [seconds, since 1980.0] |
Field3 | Last four digits of crossing time |