$ ./exlines.exe Choose one of three options: 1: Generate a line list 2: Extract emission coefficients for a user supplied list of lines in user specified conditions 3: Exit Enter an integer: 1 Specify Case (A, B or C) A open and read file OIIlines_ABC, please wait Theoretical emission coefficients read for Case log10(Temperature[K]) = 4.40 to 2.00 with step 0.1 log10(Electron number density[/cm^3]) = 5.00 to Further options: 1: List all lines (8889 between 367.97 and 3.90713e+07 Angstrom) 2: Specify a wavelength range for the list Enter an integer 2 Enter lower and upper wavelength in Angstrom 589 1683 Found 661 lines in interval 589.00 to 1683.00 Angstrom File OIIdata_list_eorder contains the line list in order of decreasing emission coefficient File OIIdata_list_worder contains the full list preceded by a list of only the strongest lines, in order of increasing wavelength Choose one of three options: 1: Generate a line list 2: Extract emission coefficients for a user supplied list of lines in user specified conditions 3: Exit Enter an integer: 3