Figure 3.
HiRes Processed Spitzer IRAC and MIPS images

Figure 3.3. Go to: Figure 3.2. | Figure 3.4.
L1448C, L1448NW and L1448 IRS 3
L1448C, L1448NW and L1448 IRS 3: (a) The 4.5 μm and 24 μm HiRes deconvolved images. The MIPS 24 μm image is overlaid as contours on the IRAC 4.5 μm gray scale image. A square root color stretch is used to bring out low and high brightness emissions and the contour levels are in increments of factors of two or larger as indicated. The peak intensities (in units of MJy Sr–1) in the protostar/jet-outflow are indicated. The panels to the right show blowups of the selected regions highlighted by boxes in the left panel. (b) 3-color representation of HiRes deconvolved Spitzer IRAC images: IRAC 3.6 μm (blue), 4.5 μm (green), 8.0 μm (red). In the 3-color representation the wide angle outflows are identified by the blue excess while the h2 jets and bow shocks by the green excess. The h2 jets (green arrows) and the wide angle cavity (red arrows) inferred from scatted light are indicated (not to scale).