Title: Observations of the first electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational wave source by the TOROS collaboration Authors: Diaz M.C., Macri L.M., Lambas D.G., Mendes de Oliveira C., Nilo Castellon J.L., Ribeiro T., Sanchez B., Schoenell W., Abramo L.R., Akras S., Alcaniz J.S., Artola R., Beroiz M., Bonoli S., Cabral J., Camuccio R., Castillo M., Chavushyan V., Coelho P., Colazo C., Costa-Duarte M.V., Larenas H.C., DePoy D.L., Dominguez Romero M., Dultzin D., Fernandez D., Garci J., Girardini C., Goncalves D.R., Goncalves T.S., Gurovich S., Jimenez-Teja Y., Kanaan A., Lares M., Lopes de Oliveira R., Lopez-Cruz O., Marshall J.L., Melia R., Molino A., Padilla N., Penuela T., Placco V.M., Quinones C., Ramirez Rivera A., Renzi V., Riguccini L., Rios-Lopez E, Rodriguez H., Sampedro L., Schneiter M., Sodre L., Starck M., Torres-Flores S., Tornatore M., Zadrozny A.Z. Table: Time-series photometry ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: apjlaa9060t1_mrt.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 F6.4 d Time Time since GW trigger 8 A1 --- Band SDSS band 10- 15 F6.3 mag mag Apparent magnitude in Band 17- 21 F5.3 mag e_mag Uncertainty in mag 23 A1 --- Note Addition note (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): a = assuming r-i=0.19+-0.03 mag. b = assuming r-i=0.84+-0.08 mag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4390 g 18.431 0.057 1.4447 g 18.507 0.039 1.4458 g 18.481 0.037 1.4469 g 18.615 0.043 1.4550 g 18.582 0.031 1.4561 g 18.547 0.030 1.4572 g 18.607 0.038 1.4652 g 18.653 0.034 1.4663 g 18.604 0.038 1.4673 g 18.632 0.037 1.4753 g 18.693 0.036 1.4764 g 18.666 0.030 1.4775 g 18.623 0.036 1.4855 g 18.683 0.035 1.4866 g 18.667 0.038 1.4876 g 18.568 0.030 1.4481 r 17.925 0.022 1.4492 r 17.966 0.024 1.4502 r 17.937 0.024 1.4584 r 17.946 0.020 1.4595 r 17.983 0.024 1.4605 r 17.987 0.026 1.4685 r 18.025 0.026 1.4696 r 18.017 0.023 1.4707 r 18.041 0.022 1.4787 r 18.008 0.020 1.4798 r 18.008 0.023 1.4809 r 18.069 0.027 1.4888 r 18.029 0.024 1.4899 r 18.053 0.030 1.4910 r 18.041 0.022 1.4514 i 17.743 0.029 1.4525 i 17.803 0.025 1.4536 i 17.809 0.026 1.4618 i 17.776 0.021 1.4628 i 17.793 0.024 1.4639 i 17.795 0.025 1.4719 i 17.743 0.024 1.4730 i 17.856 0.028 1.4741 i 17.847 0.025 1.4820 i 17.825 0.033 1.4831 i 17.772 0.025 1.4842 i 17.866 0.032 1.4922 i 17.831 0.029 1.4933 i 17.898 0.031 1.4943 i 17.880 0.033 2.4560 r 18.780 0.030 a 2.4560 r 19.150 0.060 b