#...dbdef =-SVIZIR -Ucds -P@cds4Viz viz7@VIZIR ok not a XMM cat ====Catalog J/ApJ/780/83 already in VizieR-SVIZIR: J/ApJ/780/83|17800083|64|2|7 J/ApJ/780/83|17800083|64|1|7 #===Items in list: 1 #...Popularity of catalog (J/ApJ/780/83): 3529 setUCD -raw /home/cats/J/ApJ/780/83/ReadMe > /tmp/viz2414.ucd CONFIRM /home/cats/bin/confirm_no.nostdin ====Visit the 62 UCDs (in /tmp/viz2414.ucd): [N] (set by default) ====Database chosen for J/ApJ/780/83 = viz7@VIZIR (from default dbdef) ....Cleaning the /home/cats/in/gl directory rm: No match. ....keeping the list of UCDs as /home/cats/in/gl/UCDs ....Executing (METADB=metaviz@VIZIR, input file=/home/cats/J/ApJ/780/83/ReadMe): (/usr/local/bin/vizin*) CONFIRM /home/cats/bin/confirm_yes.nostdin ----Executing vizin -confirm=y -popu 3529 -d /home/cats/in/gl -SVIZIR -Ucds -P@cds4Viz -r 30d -b viz7@VIZIR -d /home/cats/in/gl -u3 /home/cats/in/gl/UCDs /home/cats/J/ApJ/780/83/ReadMe [Y] (set by default) option confirm=y is set #... servername=cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr port=5432 dbase=vizier type=postgres (5) ---- 2 columns added from .status (0 VIRTUAL) ---- 2 columns with LinkToNote ----There are 15 table/column(s) concerned by \vizSet ====There were 39 UCDs loaded from: /home/cats/in/gl/UCDs use dbname=viz7@VIZIR #...Change in METAtab(explain): => Summary of our findings for the 528 X-Ray sources in our survey ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'UPDATE METAtab set morexplain = 'Summary of our findin'... ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DROP table c17800083t1' #...Change in METAtab(explain): => *Spectral fits for sources with >200 net source counts in at least one ACIS observation ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'UPDATE METAtab set morexplain = '*Spectral fits for so'... ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DROP table c17800083t2' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAqin where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'DELETE from METAdig where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAsed where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAobj where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAtimerel where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAtimecol where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=33 from 'DELETE from METAcol where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell00 where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAlaf where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=4 from 'DELETE from METAkwd where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'DELETE from METAcro where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=2 from 'DELETE from METAtab where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=65 from 'DELETE from METAnot where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=2 from 'DELETE from METAmor where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'DELETE from METAcell02 where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell03 where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell09 where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell0a where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=3 from 'DELETE from METAcell0b where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell0c where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell0d where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'DELETE from METAcell0e where catid = 17800083' ****Error execute query: INSERT into METAcat( catid, kslot, status, catype, name, title, bibcode, authors, explain, popu, authid, flags, doi, orcid) VALUES ( 17800083, 255, 16, 0, 'J/ApJ/780/83', 'X-ray binaries observed in M31 with Chandra (Barnard+, 2014)', '2014ApJ...780...83B', 'Barnard R., Garcia M.R., Primini F., Li Z., Baganoff F.K., Murray S.S.', '', 3529, 0, 0, '', '') **** **** --POSTGRES MSG db=1 **** Report from: stdb_pg, Status: STDB_ERR ****ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "metacat_pkey" DETAIL: K ****ey (catid)=(17800083) already exists. ****ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "metacat_pkey" DETAIL: K ****ey (catid)=(17800083) already exists. ----[vizier] Stat=-1 from 'INSERT into METAcat( catid, kslot, status, catype, name'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcat set status = status | 16 Where catid = 1'... ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'Update METAcol set morid = 1 Where catid = 17800083 and'... ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'Update METAcol set morid = 2 Where catid = 17800083 and'... ----[vizier] Stat=0 from 'Delete from METAcro where catid=17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select add_adc('J/ApJ/780/83', 'Galaxies, nearby');' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select add_adc('J/ApJ/780/83', 'X-ray sources');' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select add_adc('J/ApJ/780/83', 'Binaries, X-ray');' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select add_adc('J/ApJ/780/83', 'Active gal. nuclei');' INFO: ----wavelength-dependent exists for catalog: J/ApJ/780/83! ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select add_optical('J/ApJ/780/83');' INFO: ....set_kslot(4!): kslot was J/ApJ/780/83!; 64! keywords INFO: ----set_kslot(4!): kslot now J/ApJ/780/83!; 64! keywords ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'select set_kslot('J/ApJ/780/83');' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcat set catype = 2 Where catid = 17800083' ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAtab set cooprec=1000.000000 Where catid = 1'... .... Creating BCP file 'c17800083t1.bcp' (528 rows) 528 records. ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=20 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=20 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=28 where catid=17800083 and t'... .... Creating BCP file 'c17800083t2.bcp' (120 rows) 120 records. ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'Update METAcol set dbtype=20 where catid=17800083 and t'... ----[vizier] Stat=2 from 'update METAtab set morexplain='' where catid=17800083 a'... ----[vizier] Stat=30 from 'update METAcol set morexplain='' where catid=17800083 a'... #...psql -hcdsarc.u-strasbg.fr -p5432 -Ucds -dvizier CONFIRM:Dictionary Entry (examples later) <= [y] ----[vizier] Stat=1 from 'INSERT into METAdig( catid, source, texto) VALUES'... #The following operations were generated by vizin #From ReadMe: /home/cats/J/ApJ/780/83/ReadMe #Into METAdb: metaviz@VIZIR # datadb: viz7@VIZIR /*++++++++ Clean up for catalog: 17800083 --------*/ #tab#1 loadate=0490866649s(2015-07-22T07:50:49) J/ApJ/780/83/table1 #tab#2 loadate=0490866649s(2015-07-22T07:50:49) J/ApJ/780/83/table2 /*------Clean up META tables--------*/ #==> Coordinate System of table1.dat: FK5 equinox=2000 %g J/ApJ/780/83/table1 [BGP2014] ${X-ray} ----Executed (0): vizin -confirm=y -popu 3529 -d /home/cats/in/gl -SVIZIR -Ucds -P@cds4Viz -r 30d -b viz7@VIZIR -d /home/cats/in/gl -u3 /home/cats/in/gl/UCDs /home/cats/J/ApJ/780/83/ReadMe #...(already cloned to NEWVIZ) #...(already cloned to VIZDB) ....Sourcing /home/cats/in/gl/c17800083t1.sql SET ERROR: table "c17800083t1" does not exist CREATE TABLE COMMENT