Title: ALMA observations of polarization from dust scattering in the IM Lup protoplanetary disk Authors: Hull C.L.H., Yang H., Li Z.-Y., Kataoka A., Stephens I.W., Andrews S., Bai X., Cleeves L.I., Hughes A.M., Looney L., P'erez L.M., Wilner D. ================================================================================ Description of contents: Variables: Pc = polarized intensity (debiased) sigma_pol = the rms noise in the Stokes Q and U maps Files: FITS: IMLup_cont_image_I.pbcor.fits -Cleaned map of total intensity (Stokes I) dust emission FITS: IMLup_cont_image_Q.pbcor.fits -Cleaned map of Stokes Q dust emission FITS: IMLup_cont_image_U.pbcor.fits -Cleaned map of Stokes U dust emission FITS: IMLup_cont_image.pa.fits -Map of the position angle of the true dust polarization (not the magnetic field) -Results are masked where Pc < 3*sigma_pol FITS: IMLup_cont_image.pa_rms.fits -Map of the rms uncertainty in the position angle of the true dust polarization (not the magnetic field) -Results are masked where Pc < 3*sigma_pol FITS: IMLup_cont_image.pol.fits -Map of total debiased polarized dust emission -Results are masked where Pc < 3*sigma_pol FITS: IMLup_cont_image.pfrac.fits -Map of the polarization fraction of the dust emission -Results are masked where Pc < 3*sigma_pol FITS: IMLup_cont_image.pfrac_rms.fits -Map of the rms uncertainty in the polarization fraction of the dust emission -Results are masked where Pc < 3*sigma_pol System requirements: A FITS reader is required to read the FITS files; no other special programs are required. Additional comments: Note that the raw ALMA data are not included here, but will available in from the ALMA archive once the proprietary period has ended. Reduced/calibrated data are also available from the lead author (C. Hull). All raw data are in CASA format, and thus require an installation of CASA. The URL of the ALMA data archive is: https://almascience.nrao.edu/alma-data/archive To access the data used to produce the ALMA image in Figure 1, one must query the project code 2016.1.00712.S. ================================================================================