Definition of the characteristic flags

Option: (0=show all flags, x=hexadecimal)

1 HIZQSO82 \sep Quasar candidate in SDSS stripe 82 selected with UKIDSS YJHK photometry using a more relaxed color cut
2 HIZQSOIR \sep Quasar candidate selected with UKIDSS YJHK photometry
4 KQSO_BOSS \sep Quasar candidate selected with UKIDSS YJHK photometry
8 QSO_VAR \sep Candidate quasar in Stripe 82 survey area, selected from variability alone
16 QSO_VAR_FPG \sep Candidate quasar in Stripe 82 survey area, selected from variability alone
32 RADIO_2LOBE_QSO \sep Object near the midpoint of a double-lobed object identified in FIRST Catalogs
64 STRIPE82BCG \sep The brightest cluster member of a galaxy cluster or group identified in the Stripe 82 survey area
128 QSO_SUPPZ \sep A subset of SDSS-I/-II quasars with 1.8 < z < 2.15 that were reobserved with the BOSS spectrograph to measure metal absorption free of any effects from the Lyman-α forest (no longer used in DR12)
256 QSO_VAR_SDSS \sep Quasars selected by photometric variability in the overlap regions between stripes of SDSS-I/-II imaging, accounting for roughly 30% of the total BOSS footprint (no longer used in DR12)
512 QSO_WISE_SUPP \sep Quasar targets selected on their mid-infrared colors from the WISE satellite, thought to be z>2.2 quasars, as a supplement to the primary BOSS quasar sample (no longer used in DR12)
1024 QSO_WISE_FULL_SKY \sep Quasar selected from the WISE All-Sky Survey
2048 XMMSDSS \sep Hard x-ray-selected AGN from XMM
4096 IAMASERS \sep Known or potential maser
8192 DISKEMITTER_REPEAT \sep Candidate massive binary black hole pair
16384 WISE_BOSS_QSO \sep Quasar identified in the WISE All-Sky Survey
32768 QSO_XD_KDE_PAIR \sep Candidate closely-separated quasar pair
65536 CLUSTER_MEMBER \sep Member of a galaxy cluster selected from ROSAT All-Sky Survey data
131072 SPOKE2 \sep Candidate binary pair in which one star is an M dwarf
262144 FAINT_ELG \sep Blue star-forming galaxy selected from CFHT-LS photometry
524288 PTF_GAL \sep A nearby galaxy identified in PTF imaging with an SDSS counterpart
1048576 QSO_STD \sep A standard star targeted to improve BOSS spectrophotometric calibration
2097152 HIZ_LRG \sep A candidate z > 0.6 LRG, selected using a narrower r-i color constraint and observed at higher priority
4194304 LRG_ROUND3 \sep A candidate z > 0.6 LRG, selected using a broader r-i color constraint and observed at lower priority
8388608 WISE_COMPLETE \sep Galaxy in the same redshift range as the BOSS CMASS sample, but selected with a more relaxed color cut
16777216 TDSS_PILOT \sep Objects identified from PanSTARRS imaging using the selection criteria described on the BOSS ancillary target page
33554432 SPIDERS_PILOT \sep Objects identified from PanSTARRS imaging using the selection criteria described on the BOSS ancillary target page
67108864 TDSS_SPIDERS_PILOT \sep Objects identified using both sets of selection criteria for TDSS_PILOT and SPIDERS_PILOT
134217728 QSO_VAR_LF \sep Candidate quasar in stripe 82, selected by color and variability
268435456 TDSS_PILOT_PM \sep Objects identified using X-ray imaging that has high proper motions
536870912 TDSS_PILOT_SNHOST \sep Objects identified in PanSTARRS imaging that showed transient behavior in extended objects
1073741824 FAINT_HIZ_LRG \sep Candidate galaxy in the redshift range 0.6 < z < 0.9, defined by color cuts
2147483648 QSO_EBOSS_W3_ADM \sep Candidate quasar, defined by one of the complex color cuts described below and recorded in the W3bitmask parameter of the original targeting file
4294967296 XMM_PRIME \sep Candidate AGN identified from the XMM-XXL survey observed at higher priority
8589934592 XMM_SECOND \sep Candidate AGN identified from the XMM-XXL survey observed at lower priority
17179869184 SEQUELS_ELG \sep Emission-line galaxy targeted by the SEQUELS program
34359738368 GES \sep Star observed by the Gaia/ESO Survey (GES)
68719476736 SEGUE1 \sep Star observed by the prior SDSS spectroscopic SEGUE-1 survey
137438953472 SEGUE2 \sep Star observed by SEGUE-2
274877906944 SDSSFILLER \sep Star in the GES survey area, targeted from prior SDSS photometry
549755813888 SEQUELS_ELG_LOWP \sep Emission-line galaxy targeted by the SEQUELS program at lower priority
1099511627776 25_ORI_WISE \sep WISE-selected target near the star 25 Ori
2199023255552 25_ORI_WISE_W3 \sep WISE-selected target near the star 25 Ori, selected from data in the W3 band
4398046511104 KOEKAP_STAR \sep WISE-selected source in the star-forming region Kappa Ori, selected from WISE infrared excess
8796093022208 KOE2023_STAR \sep WISE-selected source in the star-forming region NGC 2023, selected from WISE infrared excess
17592186044416 KOE2068_STAR \sep WISE-selected source in the star-forming region NGC 2068, selected from WISE infrared excess
35184372088832 KOE2023BSTAR \sep Other WISE-selected source in the star-forming region NGC 2023
70368744177664 KOE2068BSTAR \sep Other WISE-selected source in the star-forming region NGC 2068
140737488355328 KOEKAPAPBSTAR \sep Other WISE-selected source in the star-forming region Kappa Ori
281474976710656 COROTGESAPOG \sep Star observed by both the CoRoT survey and by APOGEE
562949953421312 COROTGES \sep Star observed by both CoRoT and GES
1125899906842624 APOGEE \sep Star in the CoRoT survey area, not observed by CoRoT but with an APOGEE spectrum
2251799813685248 2MASSFILL \sep Star in the CoRoT survey area targeted from 2MASS photometry
4503599627370496 TAU_STAR \sep Spitzer-selected source in the Taurus Heiles 2 molecular cloud
9007199254740992 SEQUELS_TARGET \sep A target from the SEQUELS program (no longer used, replaced by EBOSS_TARGET0 flag)
18014398509481984 RM_TILE1 \sep AGN selected for reverberation mapping study at high priority
36028797018963968 RM_TILE2 \sep AGN selected for reverberation mapping study at lower priority
72057594037927936 QSO_DEEP \sep Candidate quasar selected by time variability
144115188075855872 LBG \sep Candidate Lyman-break galaxy selected by color
288230376151711744 ELAIS_N1_LOFAR \sep LOFAR source selected with RMS noise criteria
576460752303423488 ELAIS_N1_FIRST \sep Source detected in the FIRST radio catalog
1152921504606846976 ELAIS_N1_GMRT_GARN \sep Source identified from deeper GMRT radio data
2305843009213693952 ELAIS_N1_GMRT_TAYLOR \sep Fainter source identified from deeper GMRT radio data
4611686018427387904 ELAIS_N1_JVLA \sep Very faint source detected in JVLA radio data