ElasticSearch Query String Syntax


F: a field
X, Y, Z: une chaine de caractere
N: un nombre
D: une date

Grammar Description
+X X must be present
-X X must not be present
X X should be present but not required
X AND Y ; X OR Y X and Y must be present; X or Y should be present (OR is default)
F:X ; +F:X ; -F:X F should contain X; F should contain X; F should not contain X
X* ; F:* Search all words beginning by X; Return catalogs containing field F and of non null value (an empty string is not null)
X?Y The "?" is replaced by any letter
X~ ; X~1 Fuzzy search (1 or 2 characters can be modified)
"X Y Z" Match Phrase Query
"X Y Z"~ Proximity search (Number of words between the Xs)
[N TO N]; {D TO D}; etc.. Intervals: [] inclusives; {} exclusives; [}; {]
F:>N ; < ; >= ; <= Field F with a value greater than N; etc..
X^N ; F:X^N Boost (float)
(X AND Y) OR Z ; F:(X AND Y).. ( ) to group