The goals of the VizieR navigation bar are:
- to display a brief history of your navigation
(the History bar)
- to modify the current page (the Update bar)
- to change the mirror web site
The navigation bar is cut into two differents areas in the left of your page.
The navigation bar is a dynamic bar: for instance, the section
"Computed Column" is displayed only if a table selected has
You can modify the behaviour of the bar with clicking to the images int
the top right of the bar area.
You can hide this area or fix it.
1 History of the navigation
This section called
Search Criteria displays an history of the main
criteria used.
We can cut the Criteria Search into four parts:
- a link to save the current result into the Portal.home
- the keyword part shows the main criteria used in the first step of
the VizieR Query (Page1)
A button enable you to return to the first selection (Page2)
- The table list: the current selection is in grey. You can modify
your selection with dbl-click or with using the Button "Change".
You can read the description of the catalog when you pass with your cursor
on the table name.
- The constraint part shows you the constraints you added
(Page3). You can return on Page3 with the
button "Constraints"
2 Modify the current page
The button Submit int this area will take in account all inputs of
the page (except the table list in the Search Criteria area).
You can add, "Computed Column" with clicking on the named link. So,
make your choice of added column.
The "Computed Column" link is available only if at least one table has
last update: 13 Feb 2024