CDS.headStuff2 Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)
Result of query: info cati RRF$

Details on Acronym:   Reich 2-
Reich 2- (Reich+, list 2)
***** Avoid the usage of Reich 2-, prefer RRF
Originof the Acronym: D = Assigned by the Dictionary of Acronyms

Details on Acronym:   RRF
RRF (Reich+Reich+Furst)= (Reich 2-)
Write:<<RRF NNNN>>
N: 2713
Object:(Rad)  (SIMBAD class: Radio = Radio Source)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:(Nos 1-2714), No. 783 missing