PLUTO  4.0
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Data Fields
Data Struct Reference

#include <pluto.h>

Data Fields

double **** Vc
double **** Vs
double **** Vuser
double *** Ax1
double *** Ax2
double *** Ax3
unsigned char *** flag

Detailed Description

The Data structure contains the main solution 3D arrays used by the code.

Field Documentation

double*** Ax1

The vector potential component in the $x_1$ direction.

double*** Ax2

The vector potential component in the $x_2$ direction.

double*** Ax3

The vector potential component in the $x_3$ direction.

unsigned char*** flag

Pointer to a 3D array setting useful integration flags that are retrieved during integration.

double**** Vc

The main four-index data array used for cell-centered primitive variables. The index order is Vc[nv][k][j][i], where nv gives the variable index, k,j and i are the locations of the cell in the $x_3$, $x_2$ and $x_1$ direction.

double**** Vs

The main four-index data array used for face-centered staggered magnetic fields. The index order is Vc[nv][k][j][i], where nv gives the variable index, k,j and i are the locations of the cell in the $x_3$, $x_2$ and $x_1$ direction.

double**** Vuser

Array storing user-defined supplementary variables written to disk.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: