PLUTO  4.0
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 o*adv_flux.cCompute flux for passive scalars
 o*arrays.cMemory allocation functions
 o*bin_io.cFunctions for handling binary I/O
 o*boundary.cSet boundary conditions
 o*cooling_source.cIntegrate cooling and reaction source terms
 o*doxy-comment.cDocumentation template for C source files
 o*entropy_switch.cFlag zones where pressure is updated using entropy
 o*fd_flux.cCompute finite difference fluxes
 o*flag.cFlag database
 o*get_nghost.cReturn the number of ghost zones
 o*globals.hCollects global variables definitions
 o*hdf5_io.cHDF5 I/O main driver
 o*initialize.cInitialize PLUTO
 o*input_data.cProvide basic functionality for reading input data files
 o*int_bound_reset.cReset to zero the right hand side in the internal boundary
 o*jet_domain.cAdjust the effective domain size when the -xNjet option is given
 o*main.cPLUTO main function
 o*parabolic_flux.cCompute diffusion fluxes for explicit time stepping
 o*parabolic_rhs.cCompute right hand side for diffusion terms
 o*pluto.hPLUTO main header file
 o*restart.cRestart PLUTO from binary or HDF5 double precision data files
 o*rkc.cRunge-Kutta-Chebyshev driver for integration of diffusion terms
 o*set_geometry.cInitialize geometry-dependent grid quantities
 o*set_grid.cSet up the global and local grids in the three coordinate directions
 o*set_indexes.cPerform index permutation and set domain integration indexes
 o*set_output.cSet/retrieve output data attributes
 o*setup.cRead runtime information from pluto.ini
 o*show_config.cPrint useful information about the current computations
 o*startup.cLoop on the computational cells to assign initial conditions
 o*sts.cSuper Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms
 o*tools.cCollection of general-purpose functions
 o*vec_pot_diff.cCompute magnetic field from vector potential
 o*vec_pot_update.cFunction to handle vector potential
 o*write_data.cMain output driver
 o*write_tab.cWrite tabulated 1D or 2D ascii data files
 \*write_vtk.cWrite VTK data