Src | |
  Chombo | |
   PatchRK.3D.cpp | Implements a RK-midpoint time stepping routine |
   PatchTools.cpp | Contains some implementation of the PatchPluto class |
  Cooling | |
   MINEq | |
    cooling.h | |
    cooling_defs.h | |
   Power_Law | |
    cooling.h | |
   SNEq | |
    cooling.h | |
   Tab | |
    cooling.h | |
  Fargo | |
   2DParallel | |
    fargo.h | |
   fargo.c | Solves the linear transport step of the FARGO-MHD algorithm |
   fargo.h | FARGO-MHD module header file |
   fargo_velocity.c | Functions for computing/retrieving the mean aziumthal velocity |
  HD | |
   eigenv.c | Wave-speeds and characteristic decomposition for the HD equations |
   eos.c | Collect various thermodynamic functions for the HD module |
   fluxes.c | Compute the hydro (HD) flux |
   mappers.c | Convert between primitive and conservative variables |
   mappers.v00.c | Conversion between primitive and conservative variables |
   mod_defs.h | |
   prim_eqn.c | Compute the right hand side of the primitive HD equations |
   rhs.c | Compute the right hand side of the conservative HD/MHD equations |
  MHD | |
   CT | |
    ct.c | Update staggered magnetic field |
    ct.h | Header file for Constrained-Transport (CT) module |
    ct_emf.c | Store or retrieve the Electromotive Force (EMF) |
    ct_emf_average.c | Collects different EMF averaging schemes |
    ct_field_average.c | Performs various magnetic field averaging operations |
    ct_fill_mag_field.c | Fill normal staggered component in the ghost zones |
   GLM | |
    glm.c | GLM module implementation |
    glm.h | Header file for GLM Divergence Cleaning |
   Resistive | |
    res.h | Resistive MHD module header file |
    res_flux.c | Compute the resistive MHD flux |
    res_functions.c | Compute the electric current |
   ShearingBox | |
    2DParallel | |
     shearingbox.h | |
    sb_boundary.c | Wrapper function to assign shearing-box boundary conditions |
    sb_flux.c | Enforce conservation at the X1 boundaries in the shearing-box module |
    sb_tools.c | Miscellaneous functions for implementing the shearing-box boundary condition |
    shearingbox.h | Shearing-Box module header file |
   eigenv.c | Wave-speeds and characteristic decomposition for the MHD equations |
   eos.c | Collect various thermodynamic functions for the MHD module |
   fluxes.c | Compute the MHD flux |
   mappers.c | Convert between primitive and conservative variables |
   mod_defs.h | Set labels, indexes and prototypes for the MHD module |
   prim_eqn.c | Compute the right hand side of the primitive MHD equations |
   rhs.c | Compute the right hand side of the conservative HD/MHD equations |
  New | |
   glm.c | GLM module implementation |
   main.c | PLUTO main function |
  Parallel | |
   al.h | ArrayLib main header file |
   al_alloc.c | ArrayLib allocation routine |
   al_boundary.c | Check if the local beginnings or endings of an array correspond to the global beginnings or endings |
   al_codes.h | ArrayLib codes header file |
   al_decomp_.c | Miscellaneous of functions act to find the processors distribution |
   al_decompose.c | ArrayLib functions to decompose the domain among the MPI processes |
   al_defs.h | ArrayLib function definitions header file |
   al_exchange.c | Fill the ghost boundaries |
   al_exchange_dim.c | Fill the ghost boundaries along selected dimensions |
   al_finalize.c | ArrayLib Finalization routine |
   al_hidden.h | Internal include file for the ArrayLib |
   al_init.c | ArrayLib Initialization routines |
   al_io.c | Miscellaneous functions for IO operations |
   al_proto.h | ArrayLib function prototypes header file |
   al_sort_.c | Internal routine to sort an integer array |
   al_subarray_.c | Creates a datatype describing a subarray of a multidimensional array |
   al_sz_free.c | Dellocate a distributed array descriptor |
   al_sz_get.c | Miscellaneous functions to obtain informations about the properties of the distributed array |
   al_sz_init.c | Allocate and initialize a distributed array descriptor |
   al_sz_set.c | Miscellaneous functions to define the properties of the distributed array by setting various parameters via the isz descriptor |
   al_szptr_.c | Miscellaneous of internal routines to convert sz pointers to integer pointers |
   al_write_array_async.c | ArrayLib routines for asynchronous MPI-IO |
  Particles | |
   particles.h | |
  RHD | |
   energy_solve.c | Inversion scheme for RHD using total energy density |
   entropy_solve.c | Inversion scheme for RHD using entropy |
   eos.c | Collect various thermodynamic functions for the RHD module |
   mappers.c | Convert between primitive and conservative variables |
   mod_defs.h | |
   pressure_fix.c | Inversion scheme for RHD using a pressure fix |
  RMHD | |
   eigenv.c | Compute the eigenvalues for the relativisitc MHD equations |
   energy_solve.c | Inversion scheme for RMHD using total energy density |
   entropy_solve.c | Inversion scheme for RMHD using entropy |
   eos.c | Collect various thermodynamic functions for the relativistic MHD module |
   mappers.c | Convert between primitive and conservative variables |
   mappers.v00.c | Convert between primitive and conservative variables |
   mod_defs.h | Module header file for relativistic MHD (RMHD) |
   pressure_fix.c | Inversion scheme for RMHD using a pressure fix |
   quartic.c | Solve quartic and cubic equations- |
  States | |
   char_tracing.c | Compute time-centered interface states using characteristic tracing |
   hancock.c | MUSCL-Hancock predictor step |
   states_plm.c | Compute states using piece-wise linear interpolation |
   states_plm.v00.c | Compute states using piece-wise linear interpolation |
  Templates | |
   init.c | Contains basic functions for problem initialization |
  Thermal_Conduction | |
   tc.h | Thermal conduction (TC) module header file |
   tc_flux.c | Compute the thermal conduction flux |
   tc_kappa.c | Define the thermal conduction coefficients |
  Time_Stepping | |
   sweep.c | Advance equations using a directionally-split method |
   unsplit.c | Advance equations using directionally-unsplit integrators (method of lines) |
   unsplit_ctu.c | Advance equations using Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) |
  Viscosity | |
   eta_visc.c | Specification of explicit first and second viscosity coefficients |
   viscosity.h | |
   viscous_flux.c | Compute viscosity fluxes |
  adv_flux.c | Compute flux for passive scalars |
  arrays.c | Memory allocation functions |
  bin_io.c | Functions for handling binary I/O |
  boundary.c | Set boundary conditions |
  cooling_source.c | Integrate cooling and reaction source terms |
  doxy-comment.c | Documentation template for C source files |
  entropy_switch.c | Flag zones where pressure is updated using entropy |
  fd_flux.c | Compute finite difference fluxes |
  flag.c | Flag database |
  get_nghost.c | Return the number of ghost zones |
  globals.h | Collects global variables definitions |
  hdf5_io.c | HDF5 I/O main driver |
  initialize.c | Initialize PLUTO |
  input_data.c | Provide basic functionality for reading input data files |
  int_bound_reset.c | Reset to zero the right hand side in the internal boundary |
  jet_domain.c | Adjust the effective domain size when the -xNjet option is given |
  main.c | PLUTO main function |
  parabolic_flux.c | Compute diffusion fluxes for explicit time stepping |
  parabolic_rhs.c | Compute right hand side for diffusion terms |
  pluto.h | PLUTO main header file |
  prototypes.h | |
  restart.c | Restart PLUTO from binary or HDF5 double precision data files |
  rkc.c | Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev driver for integration of diffusion terms |
  set_geometry.c | Initialize geometry-dependent grid quantities |
  set_grid.c | Set up the global and local grids in the three coordinate directions |
  set_indexes.c | Perform index permutation and set domain integration indexes |
  set_output.c | Set/retrieve output data attributes |
  setup.c | Read runtime information from pluto.ini |
  show_config.c | Print useful information about the current computations |
  startup.c | Loop on the computational cells to assign initial conditions |
  sts.c | Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms |
  tools.c | Collection of general-purpose functions |
  vec_pot_diff.c | Compute magnetic field from vector potential |
  vec_pot_update.c | Function to handle vector potential |
  write_data.c | Main output driver |
  write_tab.c | Write tabulated 1D or 2D ascii data files |
  write_vtk.c | Write VTK data |