#include <pluto.h>
Data Fields | |
double | xf |
double * | x_glob |
double * | xr_glob |
double * | xl_glob |
double * | dx_glob |
double * | xgc |
double * | dV |
double * | A |
double * | r_1 |
double * | ct |
double * | inv_dxi |
double | dl_min |
double * | dfg |
double * | df2g |
double * | dfR |
double * | dfL |
int | np_tot_glob |
int | np_int_glob |
int | np_tot |
int | np_int |
int | nghost |
int | lbound |
int | rbound |
int | gbeg |
int | gend |
int | beg |
int | end |
int | lbeg |
int | lend |
int | nproc |
int | rank_coord |
int | level |
The PLUTO Grid structure contains information pertaining to the computational mesh in a specific 1D coordinate direction. Since PLUTO assumes a logically rectangular system of coordinates, the whole computational domain is obtained as the cartesian product of 2 or 3 grid structures.
In parallel, each processor owns a different portion of the domain and the grid structures will be different. For this reason, in the following member description, we use the word "global" or "local" to refer the the whole computational domain or to the sub-domain owned by a single processor.
Similarly, variables ending with a "glob" suffix are intended to be global, i.e., they refer to the whole computational stencil and not to the local processor sub-domain.
double* A |
Right interface area, A[i] = .
int beg |
Global start index for the local array.
double* ct |
Geometrical factor cot(theta).
double* df2g |
Coefficient weight for computing central differences.
double* dfg |
Coefficient weight for computing forward differences.
double* dfL |
Interpolation weight for left interface state.
double* dfR |
Interpolation weight for right interface state.
double dl_min |
minimum cell length (e.g. min[dr, r*dth, r*sin(th)*dphi] (GLOBAL DOMAIN).
double* dV |
Cell volume.
double * dx_glob |
Cell size.
int end |
Global end index for the local array.
int gbeg |
Global start index for the global array.
int gend |
Global end index for the global array.
double* inv_dxi |
inverse of the distance between the center of two cells, inv_dxi = .
int lbeg |
Local start index for the local array.
int lbound |
When different from zero, it specifies the boundary condition to be applied at leftmost grid side where the physical boundary is located. Otherwise, it equals zero if the current processor does not touch the leftmost physical boundary. This evantuality (lbound = 0) is possible only in PARALLEL mode.
int lend |
Local end index for the local array.
int level |
The current refinement level (chombo only).
int nghost |
Number of ghost zones.
int np_int |
Total number of points in the local domain (boundaries excluded).
int np_int_glob |
Total number of points in the global domain (boundaries excluded).
int np_tot |
Total number of points in the local domain (boundaries included).
int np_tot_glob |
Total number of points in the global domain (boundaries included).
int nproc |
number of processors for this grid.
double* r_1 |
Geometrical factor 1/r.
int rank_coord |
Parallel coordinate in a Cartesian topology.
int rbound |
Same as lbound, but for the right edge of the grid.
double * x_glob |
Cell geometrical central points.
double xf |
Leftmost and rightmost point in the local domain.
double* xgc |
Cell volumetric centroid (!= x when geometry != CARTESIAN).
double * xl_glob |
Cell left interface.
double * xr_glob |
Cell right interface.