PLUTO  4.0
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Data Fields
Output Struct Reference

#include <pluto.h>

Data Fields

int type
int nvar
int nfile
int dn
int * stag_var
int * dump_var
char mode [32]
char ** var_name
char ext [8]
double dt
double dclock
double *** V [64]
char fill [168]

Detailed Description

The Output structure contains essential information for I/O.

Field Documentation

double dclock

time increment in clock hours - one per output

int dn

step increment between outputs - one per output

double dt

time increment between outputs - one per output

int* dump_var

select vars being written - one per output

char ext[8]

output extension

char fill[168]

useless, just to make the structure size a power of 2

char mode[32]

single or multiple files - one per output

int nfile

current number being saved - one per output

int nvar

tot. # of vars that can be written - same for all

int* stag_var

centered or staggered variable - same for all

int type

output format (DBL, FLT, ...) - one per output

double*** V[64]

pointer to arrays being written - same for all

char** var_name

variable names - same for all

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: