file | bckgrnd_field.c |
file | eigenv.c |
| Wave-speeds and characteristic decomposition for the MHD equations.
file | eos.c |
| Collect various thermodynamic functions for the MHD module.
file | fluxes.c |
| Compute the MHD flux.
file | hll.c |
file | hll_speed.c |
file | hllc.c |
file | hlld.c |
file | mappers.c |
| Convert between primitive and conservative variables.
file | mod_defs.h [code] |
| Set labels, indexes and prototypes for the MHD module.
file | prim_eqn.c |
| Compute the right hand side of the primitive MHD equations.
file | prim_eqn.v00.c |
file | rhs.c |
| Compute the right hand side of the conservative HD/MHD equations.
file | roe.bckfld.c |
file | roe.c |
file | set_solver.c |
file | source.c |
file | tvdlf.c |