PLUTO  4.0
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Enumerations Macros Pages
Src Directory Reference


directory  Chombo
directory  Cooling
directory  Fargo
directory  HD
directory  MHD
directory  New
directory  Parallel
directory  Particles
directory  RHD
directory  RMHD
directory  SemiRMHD
directory  States
directory  Templates
directory  Thermal_Conduction
directory  Time_Stepping
directory  Viscosity


file  adv_flux.c
 Compute flux for passive scalars.
file  arrays.c
 Memory allocation functions.
file  bin_io.c
 Functions for handling binary I/O.
file  boundary.c
 Set boundary conditions.
file  cartcoord.c
file  check_states.c
file  cmd_line_opt.c
file  colortable.c
file  cooling_ode_solver.c
file  cooling_source.c
 Integrate cooling and reaction source terms.
file  cylsource.c
file  doxy-comment.c
 Documentation template for C source files.
file  entropy_switch.c
 Flag zones where pressure is updated using entropy.
file  failsafe.c
file  fd_flux.c
 Compute finite difference fluxes.
file  fd_reconstruct.c
file  flag.c
 Flag database.
file  get_nghost.c
 Return the number of ghost zones.
file  globals.h [code]
 Collects global variables definitions.
file  grid.c
file  hdf5_io.c
 HDF5 I/O main driver.
file  initialize.c
 Initialize PLUTO.
file  input_data.c
 Provide basic functionality for reading input data files.
file  int_bound_reset.c
 Reset to zero the right hand side in the internal boundary.
file  jet_domain.c
 Adjust the effective domain size when the -xNjet option is given.
file  limiters.c
file  main.c
 PLUTO main function.
file  non_uniform_limiters.c
file  parabolic_flux.c
 Compute diffusion fluxes for explicit time stepping.
file  parabolic_rhs.c
 Compute right hand side for diffusion terms.
file  parse_file.c
file  pluto.h [code]
 PLUTO main header file.
file  prototypes.h [code]
file  restart.c
 Restart PLUTO from binary or HDF5 double precision data files.
file  rkc.c
 Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev driver for integration of diffusion terms.
file  rkc.v00.c
file  set_geometry.c
 Initialize geometry-dependent grid quantities.
file  set_grid.c
 Set up the global and local grids in the three coordinate directions.
file  set_image.c
file  set_indexes.c
 Perform index permutation and set domain integration indexes.
file  set_output.c
 Set/retrieve output data attributes.
file  setup.c
 Read runtime information from pluto.ini.
file  show_config.c
 Print useful information about the current computations.
file  split_source.c
file  startup.c
 Loop on the computational cells to assign initial conditions.
file  sts.c
 Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms.
file  tools.c
 Collection of general-purpose functions.
file  userdef_output.c
file  userdef_output.dt.c
file  var_names.c
file  vec_pot_diff.c
 Compute magnetic field from vector potential.
file  vec_pot_update.c
 Function to handle vector potential.
file  visc_flux.c
file  write_data.c
 Main output driver.
file  write_img.c
file  write_tab.c
 Write tabulated 1D or 2D ascii data files.
file  write_vtk.c
 Write VTK data.