PLUTO  4.0
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HD Directory Reference


file  ausm.c
file  ausm_up.c
file  eigenv.c
 Wave-speeds and characteristic decomposition for the HD equations.
file  eos.c
 Collect various thermodynamic functions for the HD module.
file  fluxes.c
 Compute the hydro (HD) flux.
file  hll.c
file  hll_speed.c
file  hllc.c
file  mappers.c
 Convert between primitive and conservative variables.
file  mappers.v00.c
 Conversion between primitive and conservative variables.
file  mod_defs.h [code]
file  prim_eqn.c
 Compute the right hand side of the primitive HD equations.
file  prim_eqn.v00.c
file  rhs.c
 Compute the right hand side of the conservative HD/MHD equations.
file  riemann.c
file  riemann_full.c
file  roe.c
file  set_solver.c
file  tvdlf.c
file  tvdlf.v00.c