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globals.h File Reference

Collects global variables definitions. More...

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int prank
long int IBEG
long int IEND
long int JBEG
long int JEND
long int KBEG
long int KEND
long int NX1
long int NX2
long int NX3
long int NX1_TOT
long int NX2_TOT
long int NX3_TOT
long int NMAX_POINT
int * g_i
int * g_j
int * g_k
int g_dir
int g_maxRiemannIter
long int g_usedMem
long int g_stepNumber
int g_intStage
double g_unitDensity = 1.0
double g_unitLength = 1.0
double g_unitVelocity = 1.0
double g_maxCoolingRate = 0.1
double g_minCoolingTemp = 50.0
double g_smallDensity = 1.e-12
double g_smallPressure = 1.e-12
double g_time
double g_dt
double g_maxMach
double g_domBeg [3]
double g_domEnd [3]
double g_inputParam [32]
Direction-dependent Vector Labels

Vector indices permuted during sweeps are used for distinguish between normal ("n"), tangent ("t") and bi-tangent ("b") directions. In vector notations, $ \vec{b} = \vec{n} X \vec{t} $, they form a right-handed triad. Values are set in the SetIndex() function before commencing integration.

int VXn
int VXt
int VXb
int MXn
int MXt
int MXb
int BXn
int BXt
int BXb

Detailed Description

This file contains definitions for all global variables (visible anywhere in the code) used by PLUTO. Global variables names, by convention, are prefixed with a "g_" unless they're used as constants throughout the code in which case they keep the full-capitalized notation typical of macros.

For modules, global variables are prefixed with the initial letters of the module name, e.g., sb_vy or glm_ch.

In the following "local" means "for the local processor". "Interior" means inside the computational domain.

A. Mignone (
Sep 16, 2012

Variable Documentation

int g_dir

Specifies the current sweep or direction of integration. Its value is set usually in the time stepping functions and can take the values

  • IDIR, for integration in the X1 dir;
  • JDIR, for integration in the X2 dir;
  • KDIR, for integration in the X3 dir;
double g_domBeg[3]

Lower limits of the computational domain.

double g_domEnd[3]

Upper limits of the computational domain.

double g_dt

The current integration time step.

int* g_i

Pointer to the x1 grid index when sweeping along the x2 or x3 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.

double g_inputParam[32]

Array containing the user-defined parameters. The index names of this array are defined in definitions.h through the python interface.

int g_intStage

Gives the current integration stage of the time stepping method (predictor = 0, 1st corrector = 1, and so on).

int* g_j

Pointer to the x2 grid index when sweeping along the x1 or x3 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.

int* g_k

Pointer to the x3 grid index when sweeping along the x1 or x2 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.

double g_maxCoolingRate = 0.1

The maximum fractional variation due to cooling from one step to the next.

double g_maxMach

The maximum Mach number computed during integration.

int g_maxRiemannIter

Maximum number of iterations for iterative Riemann Solver.

double g_minCoolingTemp = 50.0

The minimum temperature (in K) below which cooling is suppressed.

double g_smallDensity = 1.e-12

Small value for density fix.

double g_smallPressure = 1.e-12

Small value for pressure fix.

long int g_stepNumber

Gives the current integration step number.

double g_time

The current integration time.

double g_unitDensity = 1.0

Unit density in gr/cm^3.

double g_unitLength = 1.0

Unit Legnth in cm.

double g_unitVelocity = 1.0

Unit velocity in cm/sec.

long int g_usedMem

Amount of used memory in bytes.

long int IBEG

Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X1 direction for the local processor.

long int IEND

Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X1 direction for the local processor.

long int JBEG

Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X2 direction for the local processor.

long int JEND

Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X2 direction for the local processor.

long int KBEG

Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X3 direction for the local processor.

long int KEND

Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X3 direction for the local processor.

long int NMAX_POINT

Maximum number of points among the three directions, boundaries excluded.

long int NX1

Number of interior zones in the X1 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.

long int NX1_TOT

Total number of zones in the X1 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.

long int NX2

Number of interior zones in the X2 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.

long int NX2_TOT

Total number of zones in the X2 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.

long int NX3

Number of interior zones in the X3 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.

long int NX3_TOT

Total number of zones in the X3 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.

int prank

Processor rank. In serial mode it is defined to be 0.