Collects global variables definitions. More...
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Variables | |
int | prank |
long int | IBEG |
long int | IEND |
long int | JBEG |
long int | JEND |
long int | KBEG |
long int | KEND |
long int | NX1 |
long int | NX2 |
long int | NX3 |
long int | NX1_TOT |
long int | NX2_TOT |
long int | NX3_TOT |
long int | NMAX_POINT |
int * | g_i |
int * | g_j |
int * | g_k |
int | g_dir |
int | g_maxRiemannIter |
long int | g_usedMem |
long int | g_stepNumber |
int | g_intStage |
double | g_unitDensity = 1.0 |
double | g_unitLength = 1.0 |
double | g_unitVelocity = 1.0 |
double | g_maxCoolingRate = 0.1 |
double | g_minCoolingTemp = 50.0 |
double | g_smallDensity = 1.e-12 |
double | g_smallPressure = 1.e-12 |
double | g_time |
double | g_dt |
double | g_maxMach |
double | g_domBeg [3] |
double | g_domEnd [3] |
double | g_inputParam [32] |
Direction-dependent Vector Labels | |
Vector indices permuted during sweeps are used for distinguish between normal ("n"), tangent ("t") and bi-tangent ("b") directions. In vector notations, | |
int | VXn |
int | VXt |
int | VXb |
int | MXn |
int | MXt |
int | MXb |
int | BXn |
int | BXt |
int | BXb |
This file contains definitions for all global variables (visible anywhere in the code) used by PLUTO. Global variables names, by convention, are prefixed with a "g_" unless they're used as constants throughout the code in which case they keep the full-capitalized notation typical of macros.
For modules, global variables are prefixed with the initial letters of the module name, e.g., sb_vy
or glm_ch
In the following "local" means "for the local processor". "Interior" means inside the computational domain.
int g_dir |
Specifies the current sweep or direction of integration. Its value is set usually in the time stepping functions and can take the values
double g_domBeg[3] |
Lower limits of the computational domain.
double g_domEnd[3] |
Upper limits of the computational domain.
double g_dt |
The current integration time step.
int* g_i |
Pointer to the x1 grid index when sweeping along the x2 or x3 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.
double g_inputParam[32] |
Array containing the user-defined parameters. The index names of this array are defined in definitions.h through the python interface.
int g_intStage |
Gives the current integration stage of the time stepping method (predictor = 0, 1st corrector = 1, and so on).
int* g_j |
Pointer to the x2 grid index when sweeping along the x1 or x3 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.
int* g_k |
Pointer to the x3 grid index when sweeping along the x1 or x2 directions. Set by the TRANSVERSE_LOOP() macro.
double g_maxCoolingRate = 0.1 |
The maximum fractional variation due to cooling from one step to the next.
double g_maxMach |
The maximum Mach number computed during integration.
int g_maxRiemannIter |
Maximum number of iterations for iterative Riemann Solver.
double g_minCoolingTemp = 50.0 |
The minimum temperature (in K) below which cooling is suppressed.
double g_smallDensity = 1.e-12 |
Small value for density fix.
double g_smallPressure = 1.e-12 |
Small value for pressure fix.
long int g_stepNumber |
Gives the current integration step number.
double g_time |
The current integration time.
double g_unitDensity = 1.0 |
Unit density in gr/cm^3.
double g_unitLength = 1.0 |
Unit Legnth in cm.
double g_unitVelocity = 1.0 |
Unit velocity in cm/sec.
long int g_usedMem |
Amount of used memory in bytes.
long int IBEG |
Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X1 direction for the local processor.
long int IEND |
Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X1 direction for the local processor.
long int JBEG |
Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X2 direction for the local processor.
long int JEND |
Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X2 direction for the local processor.
long int KBEG |
Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X3 direction for the local processor.
long int KEND |
Upper grid index of the computational domain in the the X3 direction for the local processor.
long int NMAX_POINT |
Maximum number of points among the three directions, boundaries excluded.
long int NX1 |
Number of interior zones in the X1 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.
long int NX1_TOT |
Total number of zones in the X1 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
long int NX2 |
Number of interior zones in the X2 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.
long int NX2_TOT |
Total number of zones in the X2 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
long int NX3 |
Number of interior zones in the X3 directions (boundaries excluded) for the local processor.
long int NX3_TOT |
Total number of zones in the X3 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
int prank |
Processor rank. In serial mode it is defined to be 0.