Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms. More...
#include "pluto.h"
Functions | |
static void | STS_ComputeSubSteps (double, double tau[], int) |
void | STS (const Data *d, Time_Step *Dts, Grid *grid) |
Take one step in the solution of the diffusion equation where R is a nonlinear right hand side involving second derivatives. The super step is taken to be equal to the current time step g_dt and the number of steps Nsts is given by solving Eq. (??) of Alexiades et al. with the explicit parabolic time step being computed from
where is the parabolic Courant number,
is the number of spatial dimensions and the maximum of the square bracket is computed during the call to ParabolicRHS.
This function is called in an operator-split way before/after advection has been carried out.
static |
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